
Posts Tagged ‘house cleaning supplies’

Cleaning Home and Essential Cleaning Supplies

October 10, 2012 Leave a comment

Cleaning Home and Essential Cleaning Supplies

Cleaning at home is a lot easier when you have everything you need. Sure, it takes time to clean each room, especially the bathroom and the kitchen, you want to clean your house and going to need proper cleaning supplies. if you have all of the supplies you need, you will be able to work much easier and faster, allowing you to get back to prevent damaging surfaces and furniture in your home.

Prior to purchasing any cleaning product, read the label carefully. The label of a cleaning product will explain its common uses and any precautions you need to take. Just because a product is supposedly all-purpose doesn’t mean it really is okay to use on every surface. For example, cleaning products with high ammonia content can permanently damage laminates and other plastic surfaces. In most cases, a strong cleaner is not necessary and water and mild soap will get the job done.

When you are attempting to clean your house for the annual ‘spring cleaning’, you need to get everything together before you begin the cleaning. Before you can do this though you will need to know what supplies you will always need on hand. There are certain ones that you are going to need all the time, and you will need to compile a list.

When you clean, start from the ceiling and work your way down. Rags are an essential cleaning supply. You can use them to dust the cobwebs in the corners of the ceiling, the blades of ceiling fans, and the tops of shelves and ledges. There are many new products out there for dusting that are marketed as being superior to rags but truthfully an old rag will almost always do the trick. You can also save a lot of money by using old t-shirts and socks as rags. Rags are also more eco-friendly because they can be washed and re-used unlike commercial cleaning supplies, which are often made for one-time use. Rags alone are sufficient for dusting cobwebs but for dusting shelves and ledges you should use them along with furniture polish, which is another essential cleaning supply.

Window washing liquid is another cleaning supply you can’t go without. A bargain window washing liquid is sufficient. There is no need to fork out the extra cash for a streak-free window washing liquid because the secret behind getting streak-free windows all boils down to technique. The key to preventing streaks is using newspapers instead of paper towels to wipe your windows. Add a brown paper bag to your cleaning supply kit so you can toss the old newspapers in it. When you are done cleaning, you can throw the brown paper bag in the recycling bin.

You will also need to make sure your cleaning kit includes anti-bacterial spray. Every product is good at a different part of the house. There are many that are made for use on any surface you can imagine, which means you need to have some sort of spray made for the bathroom and kitchen. These are places that collect the most scum and mildew, and need to be taken care of as this can be a major health issue.

The last step is cleaning your floor. In addition to a vacuum and a mop, some other essential floor-cleaning supplies include a bucket, floor cleaner, and rug freshener. Keep your floor-cleaning supplies in one place and only take them out when you need to use them. That way you can avoid having to carry them from room to room as you go about cleaning.

By investing in these basic cleaning supplies, you will be able to clean your house effectively and easily from ceiling to floor. To ensure that the cleaning process is fast and simple every time, keep your cleaning supplies organized and easily accessible. Once you get everything nice neat and organized you will find that it is quite easy to clean your house whenever you want.